Suffering from migraines, fibromyalgia, back pain or other persistent pains without clear cause? These could be neuroplastic pains caused by miscommunication between your nervous system and the brain. Unlike an injury, neuroplastic pain has no damage in the body. But the good news is that a Pain Reprocessing Therapist can help you retrain your nervous system to eliminate these false pain signals.

What causes neuroplastic pain?

Neuroplastic pain originates from altered neural pathways that amplify harmless sensations into chronic pain signals. A Pain Reprocessing Therapist helps you understand how factors like trauma, stress, and beliefs can contribute to this nervous system dysfunction. 

The brain incorrectly interprets sensory signals, leading to persistent pain without identifiable physical cause and this can be due to the follwoing: 

Alteration in Information Processing:

  • Neuroception is an unconscious mechanism where the body constantly scans the environment looking for potential danger signals, both outside and inside the body.
  • This mechanism can amplify the perception of pain when the brain interprets normal signals as threats.
  • Normally, sensory signals like the sensation of pain are transmitted from the site of injury or discomfort to the brain via the nervous system.
  • The brain constantly evaluates sensory signals to determine if there is a threat to the body. In the case of neuroplastic pain, the brain processes non-harmful information inappropriately as potential dangers.
  • This alteration in information processing leads to an amplification of the perception of pain.

Influence of Psychological Factors:

  • Past life experiences, beliefs, attitudes and conditioning play a crucial role in how the brain evaluates sensory signals.
  • Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and negative emotions can contribute to the worsening of neuroplastic pain.

Development of Erroneous Beliefs About Pain:

  • Preconceived beliefs about the nature of pain can influence how the brain interprets sensory signals.
  • For example, the erroneous belief that any pain equates to physical injury can reinforce the mechanism of neuroplastic pain.

The origin of neuroplastic pain is therefore multifactorial, involving physiological, psychological and environmental aspects. Understanding these mechanisms is essential to implement therapeutic approaches aimed at reprogramming the brain and alleviating or eliminating these chronic pains.

Relieving Chronic Pain through Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Pain Reprocessing Therapy utilises mindfulness, somatic tracking, and neural retraining techniques to alleviate neuroplastic suffering.

As your certified Pain Reprocessing Therapist, I will guide you to:

  • Observe pain signals with detached curiosity.
  • Send safety messages to calm an hypersensitive and overprotective nervous system.
  • Create comfort and ease to counteract chronic pain pathways.

By reinterpreting pain signals as safe, the brain can unlearn neuroplastic pain over time. My holistic therapeutioc approach as a Pain Reprocessing Therapist also addresses contributing psychological and lifestyle factors.

Book your 1 hour free consultation to see if Pain Reprocessing Therapy is right for you and start your personalised recovery journey using Pain Reprocessing Therapy.

Do you want to know about your support ? You can find out more here.


How to end the pain-fear cycle with pain reprocessing therapy?

The pain-negative emotion cycle

When someone suffers from chronic pain for many years, a real vicious cycle sets in. Indeed, from muscle tension and stress, the nervous system becomes hypersensitive. It then interprets any body sensation as dangerous and painful.

This amplified perception of pain generates negative emotions, most often fear, anxiety or anger. These emotions in turn trigger physiological changes: accelerated heart rate, breathlessness, muscle tension, etc.

However, these bodily reactions are again perceived as threatening by the hypersensitive nervous system. This only reinforces the feeling of pain, and so on. The person finds themselves caught in a spiral of physical suffering and emotional distress. 

Breaking the cycle by allowing one's emotions

Fortunately, it is possible to break this vicious cycle. The key? Fully accepting one's emotions, even the most painful ones, instead of trying to control or escape them. Because the more we resist an emotion, the more it persists and intensifies.

By allowing an emotion to pass through us without judgment, it always ends up naturally disappearing. I use various techniques from mindfulness, Pain Reprocessing Therapy, hypnotherapy, Yoga therapy to help you allow your fears, sadness or frustration.

This unconditional acceptance gradually defuses the pain-fear cycle. The nervous system can then desensitize, the perception of pain diminishes and the vicious cycle is broken.

Find Specialized Support

If you recognize yourself in this pain-emotion cycle and want to free yourself from these sufferings, know that personalized support is possible.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy offers a holistic mind-body approach to treat your chronic pain and its emotional components. I have trained in the latest advances in this field.

Feel free to make an appointment for a first consultation. Together we will determine a personalized treatment plan to help you regain lasting wellbeing.

Healing Chronic Pain by learning to connect to your emotions

Chronic pain can greatly alter our quality of life. Fortunately, it is possible to free oneself by exploring the link between the body and mind. Therapies such as Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), Therapeutic Yoga, or hypnotherapy focus on the psychophysiological mechanisms of pain.

The Pain Fear Cycle 

When a nervous system is hypersensitive, it tends to overinterpret any bodily variation as danger, causing false alarms in the form of chronic pain.

At the same time, negative emotions in response to this pain, such as fear, anger or sadness, trigger physiological stress reactions. The body tenses up, the heart rate accelerates, etc.

This stress is then perceived in turn as confirmation that there is indeed something abnormal, fueling the problem. One then enters an endless loop.

Learning to connect to your emotions.

The solution consists of defusing our emotional reactions to short-circuit this vicious cycle. Instead of resisting our emotions, it involves fully welcoming them, even if it is uncomfortable at first.

Several mind-body techniques allow for this self-acceptance work:

✨ Keeping a pain journal

✨ Practicing expressive writing

✨ Doing physical activities to release stress

✨ Mindfulness meditation

By deeply exploring the relationship between your mind and body, you will find the keys to freeing yourself from chronic pain and reconnecting with wellness.

Find Specialized Support

If you recognize yourself in this pain-emotion cycle and want to free yourself from these sufferings, know that personalized support is possible.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy offers a holistic mind-body approach to treat your chronic pain and its emotional components. I have trained in the latest advances in this field.

Feel free to make an appointment for a first consultation. Together we will determine a personalized treatment plan to help you regain lasting wellbeing.

Back Pain Relief Through Brain Retraining

If you suffer from chronic back pain, new research offers hope for long-term relief without drugs or surgery.

A recent study published in JAMA Network Open provides evidence that psychological techniques aimed at "retraining" the brain can significantly reduce pain levels for most chronic back pain sufferers.

As a therapist trained in Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT), I am well aware of the University of Colorado study on PRT for back pain. This cutting-edge approach helps patients unlearn the brain pathways causing chronic pain over 8-12 sessions.

How Pain Reprocessing Therapy Works

PRT teaches your brain to interpret pain signals from your back as less threatening. This allows you to stop fearing and avoiding activities that aggravate pain. PRT rewires the brain to dial down spinal pain signals through techniques like:

  • Rescripting pain memories
  • Reformulating negative pain beliefs
  • Somatic awareness exercises
  • Mindfulness and meditation

The goal is to recalibrate your brain to ease chronic back pain long-term. Think of it like physical therapy for the brain instead of the back.

Majority Reported Full or Near Full Pain Relief

In the Colorado PRT study, two-thirds of back pain patients achieved full or nearly full pain relief after 12 weeks. Only 20% of the placebo group reported similar pain reduction.

The lead author admits even pain experts were shocked at patients achieving full recovery through psychological means alone. But it shows how much chronic pain stems from changes in the central nervous system.

This confirms my experience using PRT with back pain clients. With consistent training, your brain can "unlearn" the idea that spine issues equal inevitable suffering.

The Cause of Pain Determines Treatment Success

The Colorado team also found that patients' beliefs about the cause of their chronic back pain impacted PRT success.

Those who initially blamed a back injury or problem like arthritis or degeneration improved less. But when patients shifted towards viewing back pain as a product of fear, avoidance, and brain changes, their pain decreased more.

This mindset shift is a key goal of PRT. 

I educate clients on how things like anxiety, depression, trauma, and stress alter brain pathways to amplify spinal signals over time. Reframing pain as reversible brain changes rather than tissue damage alone offers hope.

The Future of Chronic Pain Treatment

This research adds to the evidence that chronic pain treatment must go beyond tissues and structures to address central nervous system contributions. As a PRT-trained therapist, I utilise proven techniques to reduce back pain by modifying dysfunctional brain circuity.

PRT represents an exciting breakthrough for those struggling with chronic back pain unresolved through other methods. If you're ready to investigate brain-based, drug-free pain relief, reach out today to discuss PRT.

